Friday 27 July 2012

Yesterday i was busy debating with my friend on love vs friendship......... I came across many new facts that were extremely amazing about lovers. I asked this question Who is a lover?
And i got an answer " Love was the most beautiful feeling in this world. The affection which arise in the bottom of our heart for someone who is a stranger to us. When we look at that stranger it feels like we have lost ourselves and our heart as well as our soul have fled away 
in that place where we find ourselves with that stranger. Every thing seems  to get changed, we start loving the things which we have never dreamed of...... Everything seems to be magical, so natural but so peaceful. We love to spend most of our time with that person and we start imagining our life with that person, with that STRANGER. We don't even realise how we start loving and caring that stranger more than our beloved family, friends, and even ourselves..... It totally becomes impossible to survive without that person.... And finally WE FALL IN LOVE! And THE PERSON WE FALL IN LOVE WITH IS OUR LOVER"
It seems so amazing to be loved by the person whom we love. We are in the skies when we come to know that the person we love, loves us more than that........

Apart from this Let's face the real world. Today's real world is all about fake. Fake lovers fake feeling and fake promises...... When we are in love we always under-estimate our friends. We become so busy with our lover that we never have time for our friends. But time is the best teacher.     It soon teaches us lessons. If we are living with a fake love then our relationship would not last long. soon we had to break up because of our own mistakes...... And finally come back again to our friend. When we are totally heart broken and hopeless then our friends emerge  like an angel and helps us to cope up from the situation and returns us back our own smile and our own selves. A friend returns us THE REAL ME........ And we are again back on the track just because of our horribly sweet buddies!!!!!! 

Tuesday 17 July 2012

WHAT IS LOVE?A big question for both even if we are single we  wonder what is it?  Or if we have our partner still love amaze us!!!!!!!Many a times i am actually amazed by these lovers i don't know from where a normal human being get such an extreme power???? how can anyone be in love with anyone whom you have just met last month or last year or it could be last week..... But still we have the example of those great lovers like romeo and juliet   cleopatra and antony and the list goes on....
It's a question for all my friends DO YOU BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT?DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE LASTING FOR EVER?Many of you will have an answer YES we do! But the most important question is does such type of love still exist????Now i got an extremely great answer given by soul......The answer was YES TRUE LOVE STILL EXIST just we have to do is to find it with your faith in almighty as well as in your spirit of love!!!!!! One day someone asked me who is better a lover or a friend? I replied love has it's own importance in our life but friendship is life.....Even it's a matter of fact "one can live without a lover but it's totally impossible to live without a friend"Even i can prove it "take yourself little bit in your past life at our kinder garden stage at that time of life we had many friends but no lover . Now  further come to the time when we were in 2nd or 3rd standard at that time also we had friends but no lover and we were at skies because these friends may or may not be our best buddies but still they made our lives heaven. Now come to the time when we are grownups and have our partner with us but still we had our best buddies to enlighten our life!!!!WE CAN SHARE OUR FEELINGS ABOUT OUR LOVER WITH A FRIEND BUT WE CAN'T SHARE OUR THOUGHTS ABOUT A FRIEND TO OUR LOVER!!!!!!!